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Geöffnet meistens am Sonntag,
oft am Samstag & Feiertag sowie
gelegentlich bei Schlechtwetter...

eitle Kinderkram Sommerfreude Flyer als PDF   eitle Kinderkram Winterspiele Flyer als PDF

Saturday 08/02/2025 from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm

open in Wintergames-mode - buy tickets online.

Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!

Admission until 4.00 pm.

Sunday 09/02/2025 from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm

open in Wintergames-mode - buy tickets online.

Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!

Admission until 4.00 pm.

Saturday 15/02/2025 from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm

open in Wintergames-mode - buy tickets online.

Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!

Admission until 4.00 pm.

Sunday 16/02/2025 from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm

open in Wintergames-mode - buy tickets online.

Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!

Admission until 4.00 pm.

view more opening hours

Letzte Änderungen:
2025-01-09: weitere Samstag-Öffnungszeiten eingetragen
2024-10-26: Liste der spielbaren Flipper aktualisiert
2024-10-26: Liste der spielbaren Vergnügungsspiele aktualisiert
2024-06-14: weitere Öffnungszeiten eingetragen
2024-04-30: Liste der spielbaren Vergnügungsspiele aktualisiert
2024-04-30: Liste der spielbaren Flipper aktualisiert
2024-04-29: Speisekarte 2024 mit Spezialien bereitgestellt
2024-04-14: Speisekarte 2024 bereitgestellt

Link to Summerfun


From the Easter holidays to autumn, the motto is: Summerfun! During this time, our focus is on the LEGO®-exhibition, pinball machines, large arcade machines and, of course, the outdoor area with selected midi golf courses, a play area for the youngest in the courtyard and the eitle Kinderkram snack station.

Currently, it is not necessary to book an appointment during the summer joy, but we recommend visiting in good weather.

You can find all the attractions of summer joy here!

Link to Wintergames


From the first of November until spring, the motto is: Wintergames! During this time, our focus is on the retro video games, old computers and, of course, pinball. The outdoor area is closed, the snack station is in emergency mode and the eitle Kinderkram works with greatly reduced capacity. Also the museum is only slightly heated.

Access is only possible after booking an appointment!

You can find all the attractions of the Wintergames here!

grafischer Abschluss

We're glad you found us! The eitle Kinderkram is an excursion destination for the whole family in Neulengbach. It was born out of Flipperstein Schmatz's passion for collecting.

In the warmer time of the year we are open according to the motto "Summerfun" (Flipper & LEGO® ), when it gets cooler, the motto is "Wintergames" (pinball & retro video games) - which attractions are accessible in which mode can be found in detail in the respective sections.

Although we are a "museum", you also have the opportunity to try out many things. For an extra charge, you can use all switched on electrical devices (such as pinball, video games, etc.) without coin slot paiment.

We specialize in complete collections of topics, i.e. we always have complete series of products to see.

In the "cowshed" you will find e.g. all xDSL modems from A1,
although these have nothing to do with our actual topic.

The museum is one of Daniel Schmatz's hobbies originated,
and is also operated by him.

We are easy to get to with your own vehicle (of
course with free parking) and by train, since
Neulengbach is directly by the motorway A1 and
the Railway Westbahn.

By the way:
the Volvo 244GL is also on display with us...

  In the warm time of the year,
we offer pinball, LEGO®
and the outdoor area!
square feet
LEGO® sets
LEGO® elements

You can buy tickets for Summerfun here online: Oeticket Light Kinderkram Sommerfreude

What was the season until 2022 is now calld summerfun. In the period from the Easter holidays to autumn (i.e. until the start of the Winter Games), the eitle Kinderkram works in the well-known mode with pinball, LEGO® sets, Spielunke and outdoor area.



During Summerfun, you can visit the following exhibitions:

LEGO® train exhibition
all sets from start
until the year 2020
Schaltfläche LEGO Züge Schaltfläche LEGO Technic
LEGO® Speed Champions exhibition
all sets from start
until the year 2020
Schaltfläche LEGO Speed Schaltfläche LEGO Racers
LEGO® Studios exhibition
all ever produced sets
Schaltfläche LEGO Studios Schaltfläche LEGO MOC
LEGO® Dacta/Education exhibition
all technic bases sets
from start until 2020
Schaltfläche LEGO Dacta Schaltfläche LEGO znap
BALLY® pinball exhibition
all models from 1984
until the end of company
Schaltfläche Flipper Bally Schaltfläche Flipper Williams
WILLIAMS® pinball exhibition
all models from 1984
until the end of company
Schaltfläche Flipper DataEast Schaltfläche Flipper Sonstige
IBM® compatible PC exhibition
one machine of each x86
Intel CPU generation
Schaltfläche retro Computer Schaltfläche retro commodore
Arcade Racer exhibition
selected machines
of classic arcades
Schaltfläche retro Arcade Schaltfläche retro Konsolen
Bowling machine exhibition
classic examples of these machines
Schaltfläche Kegelautomat Schaltfläche retro Airhockey
table tennis exhibition
high quality outdoor
table tennis
Schaltfläche Tischtennis Schaltfläche Tischfussball


During Summerfun, you can play in the following areas:

LEGO® System playbox
really a lot of LEGO® elements
Schaltfläche spielen-legosystem Schaltfläche spielen-legoznap
LEGO® Duplo playbox
really a lot of LEGO® elements

Schaltfläche spielen-legoduplo Schaltfläche spielen-legoquatro
LEGO® Primo playbox
really a lot of LEGO® elements
Schaltfläche spielen-legoprimo Schaltfläche spielen-legosoft
possibility to play pinballs
10 pinballs are ready to play
(surcharge freeplay)
Schaltfläche spielen-flipper Schaltfläche spielen-tischtennis
possibility to play Airhockey
a classic Airhockey table is ready
to play (surcharge freeplay)
Schaltfläche spielen-airhockey Schaltfläche spielen-kegelautomat
possibility to play table soccer
a classic table soccer table is ready
to play (surcharge freeplay)
Schaltfläche spielen-tischfussball  

You can use these attractions in dry weather conditions:
the eitle snack station, the sandpit, kiddy rides, pedal vehicles, table tennis and gallows bowling.

grafischer Abschluss
grafischer Abschluss
In the colder period we offer pinball,
retro PCs and retro video games!
square feet
retro computers

You can buy tickets for Wintergames here online: Oeticket Light Kinderkram Wintergames

New from 2023: the Wintergames from autumn holidays to spring! Since we cannot operate the LEGO® exhibition in winter due technical reasons, we are increasing the possibilities in the computer area: we offer the obligatory pinball machines AND retro computers and video games with the possibility of playing!

Please note that an appointment booking is required for the Wintergames -
bookings are fixed with an end time!

The following attractions can be visited during the Winter Games, regardless of the weather:

BALLY® pinball exhibition
all models from 1984
until the end of company
Schaltfläche Flipper Bally Schaltfläche Flipper Williams
WILLIAMS® pinball exhibition
all models from 1984
until the end of company
Schaltfläche Flipper DataEast Schaltfläche Flipper Sonstige
IBM® compatible PC exhibition
one machine of each x86
Intel CPU generation
Schaltfläche retro Computer Schaltfläche retro commodore
Arcade Racer exhibition
selected machines
of classic arcades
Schaltfläche retro Arcade Schaltfläche retro Konsolen
LEGO® Studios exhibition
all ever produced sets
Schaltfläche LEGO Studios  


During the Winter Games, there are the following opportunities to play:

possibility to play pinballs
10 pinballs are ready to play
(surcharge freeplay)
Schaltfläche spielen-flipper Schaltfläche spielen-arcade
possibility to play COMMODORE®
from the VIC-20 to the Amiga 500 machines
are ready to play (surcharge freeplay)
Schaltfläche spielen-commodore Schaltfläche spielen-spielkonsolen
possibility ti play IBM® PCss
from the 80-86 to the Pentium PC
are ready to play (surcharge freeplay)
Schaltfläche spielen-computer  

You can use these attractions in dry weather conditions:
the sandpit, table tennis and gallows bowler. grafischer Abschluss
Bild Status Sommerfreude  Bild Status Winterspiele 
Of course, you can also play pinball with us. With the "Free Spins" package, it is possible to play without a coin slot according to the motto "switch after 3 games". The turned on pinball machines vary depending on the current opening mode of the vain children's stuff. If you want to play a specific device, you can play it at special prices outside of regular opening hours by appointment - you can find more details here: Extragames.
Pinball list for Wintergames 2024/2025:

Beat the Clock (Bally)
Cyclone (Williams)
Johnny Mnemonic (Williams)
JokerZ (Williams)
Pin•Bot (Williams)
Playboy (DataEast)
Revenge from Mars (Bally)
Roadshow (Williams)
Scared Stiff (Bally)
The Addams Family (Bally)
? (Bally)

* We reserve the right to change the list of devices at any time without prior notice - short-term changes are to be expected, especially around the change of opening mode.
formerly playable Pinball Machines
Pinball list while Summerfun 2024*:

Eight Ball Champ (Bally)
Fun House (Williams)
JokerZ (Williams)
Jack•Pot (Williams)
Heavy Metal Meltdown (Bally)
Playboy (DataEast)
Road Kings (Williams)
Tales of the Arabien Nights (Williams)
The Party Zone (Bally)
The Shadow (Bally)
Transporter (Williams)

Pinball list for Wintergames 2023/2024:

Eight Ball Champ (Bally)
Fun House (Williams)
Jack•Pot (Williams)
Heavy Metal Meltdown (Bally)
Phantom of the Opera (DataEast)
Road Kings (Williams)
Tales of the Arabien Nights (Williams)
The Party Zone (Bally)
The Shadow (Bally)
Transporter (Williams)

Pinball list while Summerfun 2023:
Austin Powers (Stern)
Eight Ball Champ (Bally)
Elvira (Bally)
Fun House (Williams)
Playboy 35th Anniversary (DataEast)
Road Kings (Williams)
Tales of the Arabien Nights (Williams)
Theatre of Magic (Williams)
The Party Zone (Bally)
The Shadow (Bally)
Pinball list season 2022:
Austin Powers (Stern)
Black Knight 2000 (Williams)
Dr. Who (Bally)
Fun House (Williams)
Grand Lizard (Williams)
NBA Fastbreak (Bally)
Star Trek 25th Anniversary (DataEast)
Theatre of Magic (Williams)
Pinball list second half of season 2021:
Catus Canyon (Bally)
Comet (Williams)
Fish Tales (Williams)
Grand Lizard (Williams)
Tales of the Arabien Nights (Williams)
Terminator 2 (Williams)
Pinball list first half of season 2021:
Dracula (Williams)
Fun House (Williams)
Junk Yard (Bally)
Mousi'n around (Bally)
Space Shuttle (Williams)
Star Trek the next Generation (Williams)
grafischer Abschluss
Bild Status Sommerfreude  Bild Status Winterspiele 
In addition to pinball, we also have other amusement slot machines available to play. We make it a point not to play violent games. Since the toad is only in operation during the Summerfun, the playable devices differ accordingly. During the Wintergames, the classic video machines from the 80s are in operation in the beet cellar.

Fun games for Wintergames 2024/2025*:

Hang On (Sega)
Crousin USA (Midway)
Traverse USA (Universal Coctail)
Nintendo, Sega, Sony Retro Videoconsolen
mehrere Retro PCs mit entsprechenden Windows

* We reserve the right to change the list of devices at any time without prior notice - short-term changes are to be expected, especially around the change of opening mode.
formerly playable fun games
Fun games while Summerfun 2024*:

Airhockey Speedy (Garlando)
Gallows bowler Economy (Swingo)
Bowling machine Fireball Fury (Bay Tek)
Table Soccer F1 (Garlando)
Ping Pong 510M (Cornilleau)
Pool Table

Fun games for Wintergames 2023/2024:

Hang On (Sega)
Crousin USA (Midway)

Fun games while Summerfun 2023:
Airhockey Speedy (Garlando)
Gallows bowler Economy (Swingo)
Bowling machine Basket Fever (Bay Tek)
Table Soccer F1 (Garlando)
Ping Pong 510M (Cornilleau)
Fun games list season 2022:
Airhockey Speedy (Garlando)
grafischer Abschluss
Bild Status Sommerfreude  Bild Status Winterspiele 
Only during the Wintergames are the classic game consoles from the 1980s and 1990s available for play. We value games with low potential for violence. We're talking about the game consoles that we all would have liked to have in the living room but never got. Our fair use rule is: change device after 20 minutes.
Game consoles for Wintergames 2023/2024*:

Entertainment System with Super Mario (Nintendo)
Master System with Jungelbuch (Sega)
Mega Drive II with Sonic (Sega)
Playstation 1 with Super Cross 98 (Sony)
Playstation 2 with Knight Rider (Sony)
Super Nintendo with Donkey Kong Country (Nintendo)
Videopack 7000 with Loony Balloon (Philips)
Video Computer System 2600 with Pole Position (Atari)

* We reserve the right to change the list of devices at any time without prior notice - short-term changes are to be expected, especially around the change of opening mode.
grafischer Abschluss
Bild Status Sommerfreude  Bild Status Winterspiele 
The 8 bit computer scene is experiencing a renewal sauce. When it became clear that the vain children's stuff should also be open in winter, but that the LEGO® area could not be operated in the cold season, we thought about what we could offer instead. The decision was easy: Commodore® computers are needed! In 2023, for example, the classics of the legendary manufacturer were purchased and will be available for our guests during the Winter Games.
Please note that you are on your own, we provide a program, everything else is in your hands...
Commodore computers for Wintergames 2023/2024*:
Commodore VC 20
Commodore C64 II
Commodore 128
Amiga 500
Amiga 600
* We reserve the right to change the list of devices at any time without prior notice - short-term changes are to be expected, especially around the change of opening mode.
grafischer Abschluss
Bild Status Sommerfreude  Bild Status Winterspiele 
Of course, the history of the PC is close to Flipperstein Schmatz's heart: after all, he earns his living by doing computer work on these computers. Particularly fascinating are old operating systems - Windows® from the time when the system was still simple, a program manager and Paintbrush should be seen and tried out by everyone. And that's exactly what you can do with us now:
IBM® compatible computers for Wintergames 2023/2024*:
IBM PS/2 8530-002 (86) with MS-DOS 2.0 and Windows 1.0
Pionier C3! (286) with MS-DOS 4.0 and Windows 2.0
IBM PS/1 2133 (386) with MS-DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.0
IBM PS/1 2168-37C (486) with MS-DOS 6.0 and Windows 3.1
DS-Systems P1 (Pentium) with Windows 95
Boxenstop (Pentium II) with Windows 98
* We reserve the right to change the list of devices at any time without prior notice - short-term changes are to be expected, especially around the change of opening mode.
grafischer Abschluss
Bild Status Sommerfun  Bild Status Wintergames 

LEGO® Technic

We are showing all LEGO®-Technic-sets, which were produced by the LEGOGroup® . However, we do not limit our collection to models from catalogues: we add all sets from the DACTA® /Education®-series too!

In other words: you can see everything with the word "Technic" on the box, with motors, light- or sound-elements. This sums up to about 1200 sets with over 400.000 elements!

Foto LEGO-Technic-Vitrinenwand
all LEGO®-Technic-collections

In the year 1956 the first bricks with lightbulbs were released to the market. Gears followed 1966 from the company LEGO® and were distributed by Samsonite® in the USA. The technology was improved rapidly and got finer and finer. That is why we can show over 1200 sets with technology background.

Everything with light, motor or sound.

All technical LEGO®-sets from light to sound over motors and gearboxes to air pressurized clamping bricks are exhibited in the eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach.


Foto LEGO-Light-and-Sound

Since 1977, the term "expert builder" has become a synonym for construction kits with gears and technic like in real life. From the steering over gearboxes to the engine model with piston movement, everything can be found here.

All classic Technic-sets.

We exhibit all sets the first LEGO®-Technic wave from the beginning to 1998 - this also includes sets of other series that have a technical background - there are more than 330 an display here!

Foto LEGO-Technic-Klassik

At the end of the 90s, the nubs dissapeard more and more from the LEGO®-Technic world. The waves went (and go) high in the brick-fan-community. Lift arms and panels have replaced the classic bricks and give the models a very different and new look.

All modern Technic-Sets.

We have over 700 sets of the latest LEGO®-Technic generation on display. Those sets consist mainly of lift arms. Until the year 2020 we are complete, on the last years of models with many functions we continue to collect, of course.

Foto LEGO-Technic-Modern
LEGO® trains

We show all the LEGO®-Train sets that the LEGOGroup® has ever released. We are not satisfied with the sets in which trains stand on rails: we show all sets that contain a train, a rail system or even just parts of it. In any case, the complete set including train, rails and accessories can be seen in our showcases!

Foto Electronic-Train
all LEGO®-train-collections

The older friends of the self-connecting-brick know them from their youth: blue rails with white sleepers. Trains moved from the children's room, under the sofa, in the living room and occasionally in the kitchen. Battery-operated 4.5 volt trains run day and night. Or was it even the electric 12 volt trains with busbars in the middle?

Everthing from the blue train-era.

We have all 107 produced setss of the first LEGO®-rail-system on display. From the "electric motor with cable cords" from 1966 to the "ramp with wagon" from 1978.

Foto LEGO-Güterbahnhof

At the beginning of the 80s, the most ingenious LEGO®-train-system of all times arrived: countless switching elements for points, signals, decouplers and barriers are built on the legendary 12 volt transformer and the entire train world is operated remotely.

Everything from the grey train-era.

Although only 6 years new sets were released in the market, this system is still in enormous popular today. All 50 produced sets of this series can be admired in our showcases. From the "passenger train with stop" from 1980 to the "container station" from 1986.

Foto LEGO-Güterzug

Train fans had to wait 5 years, until something new came. We were all enthusiastic about the new appearance of the rails with integrated powerlines on which the gray "Metro-Liner" whizzed along. Commercials on TV made our mouths water and our pockets emty...

Everything from the 9-volt-train-era.

All 95 sets of the child-friendly LEGO®-train-system can be admired in our museum. From the "Freight Train Complete Set" from 1991 to the "LEGO® Factory Hobby Train" from 2007.

Foto LEGO-My-own-Train

But things turned out differently: batteries returned to the train in 2006. In addition, there is the infrared remote control and plastic rails on which trains with large molded parts roared along. A child-friendly design was the way to the future of LEGO®-trains.

Everything from the IR-train-era.

Both generations of the light-remote-controlled train series are fully shown in the eitle Kinderkram. 28 sets with incredible details: from the "Freight Train Luxury Set" from 2006 to the "Winter Holiday Train" from 2016.

Foto großes LEGO-Güterzug-Set

The batteries and the rail system have remained, the technology changed: the current train sets are radio-controlled by Blu-Tooth. The series have split: Game sets like the 60197 to play with and collector's sets - in our museum you can see both!

Everything from the radio-controlled-train-era.

We have all sets of the current train-system for your amusement. From the "passenger train" from 2018 to the "crocodile locomotive" from 2020. Of course, we ar expanding each year with the product-pallet.

Foto LEGO-Verlade-Set

For us also many other sets are part of the collection goal in the field of trains: all sets on whose instructions or packaging a train can be seen, all sets with rail systems, small train workers from the Advent calendar and of course everything from the Monorail®-system.

Everything else about trains.

In total, we exhibited over 400 train sets. Everything LEGO® has ever produced in this theme: from the LEGOLAND®-train to the 40th anniversary-set, from the railway worker to the roller coaster, from truck transported rails to the gold mine - you will find that all with us!

Foto LEGO Zwergenmine

A museum with LEGO®-elements also includes MOCs. Meaning: masterpieces built by the museums operator. Unfortunately, Pinbrick Schmatz is not creative at all, so it looks sad in this regard...

However, he tends to large, clumsy buildings which sometimes spread over several floors and are scratching on world records - you can see them here!

Foto Electronic-Train
all LEGO®-MOC-collections

For a completely different project, several thousand 1x2 studded bricks were purchased. Unfortunately, nothing came of the project. So what to do with these elements? Stacking and bending them would be a possibility - from this a nomen was built, which is now a train-spiral. Well, there were maide actually two: The highest LEGO®-train spiral with 160 inchs, and an even higher one...

Do you know where the only real LEGO®-train looping built from the real LEGO®-rail system is located? Correct! It is in the eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach! Made from 11,264 elements, this 70 inch high monster is raced through by our stunt car. This is only kept on the rails by centrifugal force and derails only from time to time. On request, you can experience the project in action!

Foto LEGO-Güterbahnhof

Otherwise, we still have a lot to do - of course this takes time in these dimensions - but have a look again in a few months...

grafischer Abschluss
Bild Status Sommerfreude  Bild Status Winterspiele 

BALLY® pinballs

In 1932, Raymond Moloney put a completely new device at the counter of a small retail store: a pinball. With this device, the Ballyhoo, without any technology, just a wooden box with nails hammered into it, on which a metal ball bounced off - the triumphal march of the pinball machine around the world has begun.

However, this series is not in the collection goal of the museum operator. He is more interested in the howling dogs, where light effects charm the player and loud digital sound numbs the ears. That's why we have all BALLY® pinball machines from 1984 on, where modern electronics have taken over the game control. We have 16 devices of this manufacturer to see, as well as those that were later produced by Midway® .

Foto Flipper
all BALLY®-collections

The first manufacturer of the legendary pinball machines from the USA: BALLY® ! This company laid the foundation for the worldwide pinball boom. However, the competition did not sleep and cracked down with new ideas and good marketing. Ultimately, BALLY-MIDWAY® was to be bought in the late 1980s...

All pinballs with the 6803-cpu.

16 devices have come into the market with the A084-91786-AH06 MPU, these are the pinball machines that really make fun to play. This series we have included in the collection. From the "Eight Ball Champ" from 1985 to the last real BALLY® pinball machine "Black Water 100", we have all on display. Of course, the BALLY®-logo can also be seen on later pinballs, which we all have as well - just look down...

Foto Flipper
DataEast® pinballs

Since 2022, we have been allowing the first glimpses into our DataEast® pinball collection. Although there are still 10 devices missing on the collection goal (due to the massive investments in the LEGO®-area this will be for a long time the case), but more than half of the devices are already there - even if a lot of them are in precarious condition.

Here are currently 15 pinball machines from this manufacturer on site. DataEast® copied the WILLIAMS® System 11, used themes from film and television, and produced many ingenious devices. From the "Laser War" to the "Maverick", devices of every generation can be viewed in the "beet cellar".

Foto Flipper

There is no collection in which aren't items that don't really fit in. We want to show complete series of devices, but there are also pinball machines, which you simply have to own, without buying all models of the manufacturer.

Not-fitting pinballs.

In any case, everything on which "Star Trek" is written must be included. An "Orbitor 1", "Austin Powers" and "Caveman" show what STERN® and GOTTLIEB® came up with...

Foto Flipper

WILLIAMS® pinballs

The real trauma of Flipperstein Schmatz is, of course, the WILLIAMS® pinball machine. In his childhood, the model "Taxi" stood in the coffee house in the neighboring village. Here the first encounter with a device of this ingenious design took place - a slightly traumatizing one can be noted - but that is another story.

As early as 2002, the museum operator bought its first pinball machine from this manufacturer. In the "Eitle Spielhalle" (the predecessor project of the museum) 20 devices of this kind have already been in operation, today 81 pins of this manufacturer are exhibited and also partly playable.

Foto Flipper
all WILLIAMS®-collections

Not the first, but by far the most innovative manufacturer when it comes to electronic pinball is WILLIAMS® . The pinballs with the robust electronics of this company soon took the lead and laid the foundation for the success of WMS® .

All System 9 pinballs.

It got really interesting with the third generation of electronic pinball machines: 3 devices came in the market with the System 9 - all three are exhibited by us: "Space Shuttle" from 1984, as well as "Sorcerer" and "Comet" from 1985.

Foto Flipper

When it comes to fast music in the game with good sound effects, you can't ignore this technology. The game is cheerful, squeaky and accompanied by lighting effects. Cozy pinball rounds without long thinking about where to meet: just play the ramps alternately and then on the flashing targets...

All System 11 pinballs.

This electronics is in the devices from "High Speed" to "Bugs Bunny". There are 4 revisions that have been installed in a total of 30 devices - we have them all! With each version, the music playback has been further improved. This technology is also installed in the pinball machines with the BALLY® logo from the model "Transporter" onwards.

Foto Flipper

Even though the first 3 models were delivered with the classic text displays, this technology has laid the foundation for a new ideas of pinball: Williams Pinball Control has put up images on the displays for the first time, delivered animations and enabled previously unthinkable actions on the playing field.

All WPC Pinballs.

The first WPC generation started with "Funhouse" in 1990 and has given us 17 wonderful pinball machines. With "The Addams Family Special Collectors Edition" it was completed in 1994 - all 17 pinball machines of this technique are exhibited here.

Foto Flipper

If there was anything to complain about pinball in the 1980s and 1990s, it was the sound quality. It scratched and croaked when the pinball machine spoke to the player. But WMS has put an end to the noise: DCS® - the "Digital Compression System" has provided CD-quality sounds from the loudspeakers since 1993.

All WPC-Security pinballs.

It got even faster: with "World Cup Soccer '94" WPC-S has found its way into the gambling halls. The penultimate "real" pinball control is responsible for 13 pinball machines (which are all shown here) and is installed in the devices until "Jack-Pot" in 1995.

Foto Flipper

Even if the player has not noticed much of the last generation of pinball control, inside it looks quite different in the technically way. The boards were equipped with new semiconductors and designs, the electronics became even more robust and the game perfect. The devices of the late 90s are now traded more expensive than they cost new, and there are reasons for this...

All WPC-95 pinballs.

While darts and video games filled the arcades, pinball machines became less and less interesting for the peaople running them: mechanics have to be maintained, which is almost completely eliminated in video games. So, the last 15 pinball machines of the company WILLIAMS® have only been produced in small quantities. We exhibited them all up to the last one, the "Cactus Canyon".

Foto Flipper

From the "Holo-Pin", the developers have developed a revolutionary concept: a video pinball hybrid device. The steel ball is played in projections from the screen and interacts with the animations. In the pinball head sits now a PC that brings the device to life. Unfortunately, the sales figures were not as high as hoped, and the end of pinball has come...

All Pinball 2000 pinballs.

With "Revenge from Mars" and "Star Wars Episode 1" the pinball production of the last major manufacturer of pinballs came to an end in 1999. Wistful press conferences accompanied the downfall. Of course, we also have these 2 models in our collection.

Foto Flipper
grafischer Abschluss
Bild Status Sommerfreude  Bild Status Winterspiele 

personal computers

Since the main business area of our company is IT, we also show something with computers. In our museum you can see a PC from each "Intel® desktop CPU" generation with the corresponding Microsoft® operating system. This starts with the first IBM PC, the one that coined the term "IBM-compatible® ", and ends with the component systems distributed by "Eitle Computer". In future, there will be an operation in the network, where visitors will see how compatible Dos and Windows® really are.

In addition, there are many smaller collections, such as all PDAs produced by Psion® . You could say that we show everything that Daniel Schmatz sold in his youth and thus also shaped him. There is also a collection with all common data interfaces and data carriers of the last 50 years. Note: This collection is still under construction and has not yet been documented.

Foto Psion
all WILLIAMS®-collections

Here you can see the "SpeedTouch USB® " - probably the most terrible ADSL model of all time. Talk to the museum operator about it - but be prepared for him to talk about it at length and emotionally... - oh yes: we show all A1 xDSL modems for the private sector - also these disaster versions.

You can't do everything, so we focus on PCs with Intel® -desktop-CPU. We have also exhibited these CPUs individually so that you can get an idea of the miniaturization of semiconductor technology over the last decades.

Foto CPUs
grafischer Abschluss
Bild Status Sommerfun  Bild Status Wintergames 
  You can eat your snack and lunch in our museum now - at least sometimes,
  if the weather is cooperative...!  
Bild Grießsteinsuppe

Please note that some of our food offers have to be pre-ordered - the eitle Speisekarte (the menu) informs you about everything there is to know about it.

In any case, you can almost always have our "Kinderkram-Standards", in emergency mode to take away.

In full operation, the "eitle Jausenstation" serves only in the gazebo in the courtyard of the museum - in bad weather this can be uncomfortable - decide for yourself whether you want that!

These dishes are planned for the next days:

No menus available!
Please contact us!
Menu of summer in the Kinderkram snack-station












grafischer Abschluss
Open on February 8th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on February 9th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on February 15th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on February 16th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on March 1st, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on March 2nd, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on March 8th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
show more entries
Open on March 9th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on March 15th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on March 16th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on March 22nd, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on March 23rd, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on March 29th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on March 30th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm - buy tickets online now.
Attantion: wear warm clothes! The Kinderkram is only slightly heated!
Open on April 5th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm -
Open on April 6th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Wintergames-mode - admission until 4.00 pm -
Open on April 12th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Summerfun-mode - admission until 4.00 pm -
Open on April 13th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Summerfun-mode - admission until 4.00 pm -
Open on April 19th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Summerfun-mode - admission until 4.00 pm -
Open on April 20th, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Summerfun-mode - admission until 4.00 pm -
Open on April 21st, 2025:  from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Summerfun-mode - admission until 4.00 pm -


Only CASH payment!
Prices until March, 31st 25!

alles zam   alles zam   alles zam  
  prices in Euro all together
just looking
uprice admission*
People from 17th birthday up
16,00   7,00   9,00  
  Pupils & Young People
school entry uday bef 17th birthday
15,00   6,00   9,00  
2nd birthday until school entry
8,00   3,00   5,00  
  Owner of Niederösterreich Card**
1x admission with NÖ Card
9,00   0,00   9,00  
  Group price for two hours
from 15 persons per person
(only on days without regular operation)
20,00   15,00   9,00  
  Group price the next hour
for each beginning hour and person
9,00   5,00   5,00  
  wish game
per game/hour outside ofening hours
100,00   if technic possible  
  tour per theme and person 5,00 (5 pers.)   only when the utilization allows it  
Coperationes with Cards

*** The package "all together" (alles zam) ncludes the entrance fee "just looking" (Eintritt) and the optional "freeplay" (Freispiel). This allows unlimited use of all devideses with an electronic start-buttom. According to the fair-use principle, you can use these devices without inserting coins. There are at least 10 pinball machines, kiddy rides and air hockey ready to play!

** The NÖ Card 2024 is valid from April to March 2025. One-time admission in the season is free. The conditions of the NÖ Card and the rules of the eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach apply.

* For person which payed admission already and decide later to play electric machines.

When showing a full-price-invoice from your visit within the last 90 days, you will get a 50% discount on the entraince fee.

grafischer Abschluss  
directions for drivers Link for directions tor drivers directions for wakers
Link to directions for walkters
grafischer Abschluss
alter Knacker Schmatz Banner
Pinbrick Schmatz presents weekly
2 videos about LEGO®-bricks and on many Saturdays around
the beginning of a season the #KinderkramUpdate on YouTube®
YouTube Link YouTube Link
YouTube Link YouTube Link
grafischer Abschluss

Frequently asked questions about the "eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach" as of January 28, 2023

Bild Regeln
  • When is the museum open?
    The museum has no fixed opening hours. Current opening days are provided on the website.
    Please note that during the "Summerfun" period, the retro video games are not playable, but can be visited, while during the "Wintergames" period, the LEGO® exhibition cannot be visited.
    Basically, the museum is open on many Sundays and public holidays, as well as on most school-free days with bad weather. On other days it is possible to rent for groups - see prices and opening hours.
  • Do I have to pay?
    • To enter the museum and the surrounding grounds, the "entrance fee" must be paid.
    • In order to be able to use electrical devices (pinball, air hockey, kiddy rides, video games, bowling machines, etc.) unlimited and without coin insertion, you can buy the "Freeplay" package.
    • If you don't ask for anything else at the checkout, you will automatically be charged for the "alles together" package. This warrantes the most joy within our visit.
    • Holders of the "Niederösterreich Card" have free admission (within the rules of the NÖ Card) and can book the "freeplay" on request.
    • Furthermore, there are some (few) activities that are associated with additional costs (eg demonstrations or guided tours) - see prices and opening hours.
  • Do I have to wear a mask?
    Currently, there is no obligation to wear mouth and nose protection - but this may change at short notice due to official requirements or for safety reasons that we consider relevant.
  • Can we bring our baby carriage?
    To garnish the escape routes, baby carriages are not allowed in our buildings.
  • Is it allowed to take photos?
    The photos may also be published on social media if the note "taken in the eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach" is indicated in this publication.
  • Is it allowed to film?
    In principle, we are not allowed to film. However, written agreements can be made that make this possible when it comes to material for publications. If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail and indicate what the material will be used for.
  • What can I play with the "freeplay" package?
    • at least 10 pinball machines (always)
      Kiddy rides in the courtyard (only during the "Summerfun", only in good weather)
      Air hockey (only during the "Summerfun")
      Skittles machine (only during the "Summerfun")
      Retro computer (only during the "Wintergames")
      Retro game consoles (only during the "Wintergames")
  • How much or how often can one use the "free play"or "alles zam" to play?
    • 3 games may be played at a time, after which the device must be changed
    • video consoles can be used for 20 minutes, than you have to switch
    • any device can be used repeatedly if another has been used in between
    • it is to be considerate of other visitors
  • Schaltet ihr den Flipper XY für mich ein?
    No, but...
    Basically, there are the intended devices to play. For enormous extra costs, it is possible to play a desired device outside of opening hours, as long as it is technically in order. You can discuss this with Pinbrick Schmatz on site or inquire by email.
  • Are there guided tours ?
    We offer guided tours, which can be booked depending on the capacity of the museum - we can confirm these from 4:30 pm (after admission):
    • Key points and history about the development of PCs and MS-DOS® and WINDOWS® .
    • The development and history of LEGO®-train sets.
    • The development and history of LEGO®-Technic sets.
    • The development and history of the BALLY®- and WILLIAMS®-pinball machine.
  • In what condition are the pinball machines? ?
    That differs.
    The pinball machines are partly revised and fully ready to play, partly only ready to play and partly as we got them. We attach great importance to the original condition and only change the delivery condition during restoration if this has safety reasons. Our devices are not polished to a high gloss.
  • In what condition are the LEGO®-sets?
    That differs.
    Some sets are heavily recorded or recreated from original LEGO® -parts. We try to stick to the original as much as possible, but do not rule out small deviations. We do not want to show new goods, but what is really done with toys.
  • Do you take good care of my children?
    We do not assume any duty of supervision! You take care of your family. Admission without adult accompaniment is possible from 14 years.
  • Do I have to come with a tie, or what should I wear ?
    Note that our museum is an old farm. Dress comfortably and wear sturdy shoes - you are among friends, there is no dress code (apart from trousers and waists - the museum operator is also excluded from this).
  • Is the museum air-conditioned?
    The museum is not air-conditioned - be aware that you will be exposed to temperatures similar to those outdoors when visiting.
  • Is the museum heated?
    Yes and no.
    In the "Summerfun" mode, there is no heating, during the "Wintergames" the museum is slightly tempered - in any case, dress very warmly!
  • May I eat in the museum ?
    Yes and no.
    In the courtyard it is allowed to eat food brought along, in the building only the consumption of food purchased in the "snack station" is permitted. Otherwise, only bottled water is currently permitted in the museum area, not even sweets!
  • Can I buy food from you ?
    Depending on the opening mode and weather conditions, the "snack station" offers food and drinks and, after pre-ordering, a selected vegetarian main course. Please call us and let us know on which day you need how many servings so that there are no misunderstandings.
  • Can you buy LEGO® sets ?
    There are selected new and used LEGO® -sets to buy from us. Our focus is on older and rare sets.
  • Can you buy LEGO® spare parts from you ?
    Basically, we offer spare parts from our extensive warehouse for sale. The unit price starts at 0.50 euros. Note that we are not fighting a price war. If you need several parts, please contact a spare parts dealer. For missing items, buying it sometimes makes sense when visiting the museum, as you save yourself the shipping costs.
  • Why do you always say LEGO® - don't be afraid of the LEGO® Group® ?
    We say LEGO® sets because we only exhibit LEGOGroup® brick products. No, we are not afraid of the LEGO Group or its lawyers as we abide by the LEGOGroup's® "Fair Play Rules" and generally act with respect and appreciation for others.
  • Are all exhibits well documented and labeled?
    There is minimal information about the exhibits and a QR code on the display cases. The QR code can be scanned with a smartphone and provides detailed information and links to your device via our in-house, free Wi-Fi. Note: the documentation is not quite finished yet, in some cases the information is not yet complete.
  • Can I bring my dog ?
    Animals brought along are not allowed on our property.
  • Can I bring my LEGO® set ?
    Clamping modules brought along are not permitted to avoid misunderstandings when leaving the museum.
  • Is there a toilet ?
    There is a men's and a women's toilet.
  • Can people with reduced mobility enter the museum ?
    However, we are still working on solutions for some areas - please call us so that we can discuss this in detail.
    Note: there are some ramps in the museum whose inclination is greater than is generally intended. In any case, we are at your disposal to support you!
  • Who owns the pinball machines and the LEGO® sets ?
    99% of the exhibited items are from the private collection of Daniel Schmatz. The remaining objects as well as the furnishings of the museum are the property of "alles Eitle by Daniel Schmatz". The museum is run by the company in order to create the necessary legal certainty.
  • Who built the LEGO® sets ?
    99% of LEGO® sets are built by Daniel Schmatz. He wants to do it himself so that he can be sure that everything is built as faithfully as possible to the best of his knowledge and belief.
legal information and GTC
  This section is german only, because we do not have professional translators. Sorry.

eitle Spielregeln, ABG, Datenschutz und rechtliche Informationen zu Webseite und Museum.
Bild Regeln
  1. Dies ist die Version 4.0 unserer Spielregeln vom 01.10.2023.
    Wir sehen die Zustimmung zu unseren Spielregeln als Voraussetzung und als selbstverständlich, wenn du unsere Webseite oder das „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“ besuchst - mit anderen Worten: Durch das Nutzen unserer Angebote akzeptierst du automatisch unsere Spielregeln.
    Alle aktuellen Gesetze Österreichs, der Europäischen Union und sonstige allgemein gültige Gesellschaftsregeln bleiben unberührt und gültig.
    Wenn die aktuelle Rechtslage höhere Anforderungen oder Einschränkungen als unsere Spielregeln auferlegen, gelten diese, wenn unsere Spielregeln dies tun, gelten unsere Spielregeln - die betrifft vor allem Punkt 2.
    Das „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“ ist eine 100%ige Tochter von „alles Eitle by Daniel Schmatz“. „alles Eitle by Daniel Schmatz“ behält sich das Recht vor, die Spielregeln sowie alles andere das „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“ betreffend unangekündigt und grundlos zu verändern - dies betrifft auch Öffnungszeiten und ermächtigt uns ebenfalls, die Webseite vom Netz zu nehmen oder den Museumsbetrieb zu beenden.
    Wenn sich Besucher trotz Aufforderung nicht an die Spielregeln halten, werden sie aufgefordert, das „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“ zu verlassen, es erfolgt keine Rückerstattung von Eintrittsgeldern.
Bild Covid-19
  1. Die Covid-19 Situation stellt unsere Gesellschaft vor besondere Herausforderungen. Wir möchten den Betrieb des „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“ so oft wie möglich sicherstellen und dabei - die Erlaubnis durch den Gesetzgeber vorausgesetzt - möglichst viele Freiheiten ermöglichen.

    Bezüglich der Pandemie gelten ab 1.1.2023 folgende Regeln im Normalbetrieb:
  • Aufgrund der Covid19 Pandemie besteht eine FFP2 Maskenempfehlung für Personen ab dem 10. Lebensjahr im Gebäude.
  • Aufgrund der Covid19 Pandemie besteht Mund-Nasen-Schutzempfehlung für Personen vom 6. bis zum 9. Lebensjahr im Gebäude.
  • Zu Personen anderer Haushalte ist ein Mindesabstand von 1 Meter empfohlen.
Bild Rauchverbot
Bild Alkoholverbot
  1. Der Eintritt in das „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“ ist grundsätzlich jedem/jeder gestattet, sofern er/sie untenstehende Voraussetzungen erfüllt.
    Wir behalten uns vor, Personen ohne Begründung den Eintritt zu verwehren bzw. diese zu bitten, das „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“ zu verlassen.
    • das Entgelt für „Eintritt“, „Freispiel“ oder „alles zam“ wurde entrichtet
    • eventuelle Spielentgelte wurden entrichtet
    • es wurde kein Alkohol konsumiert
    • die Person verbreitet keine störende Gerüche die andere Besucher stören
    • das Rauchverbot im Gebäude und auf unseren Grundstücken wird akzeptiert
    • es werden keine mutmaßlichen Zerstörungen an Spielgeräten,
      Einrichtungsgegenständen oder Ausstellungsgegenständen vorgenommen
    • die flächendeckende Videoüberwachung unserer Ausstellungsräume wird akzeptiert
    • Vitrinen und ausgestellte Objekte werden nicht berührt
    • durch Handlungen werden andere BesucherInnen nicht belästigt oder gefährdet
    • es sind keine Tiere mitgebracht worden
    • die Person akzeptiert die Spielregeln des „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“
    • Es werden keine Filmaufnahmen ohne schriftliche Einverständniserklärung durchgeführt.
    • Kinder werden von den begleitenden Erwachsenen beaufsichtig
    • Jugendliche ab dem 14 Lebensjahr können alleine Eintreten
Bild Datenschutz
  1. Die Webseite des „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“ (bzw. der dahinterstehende Webserver) erhebt Daten über jeden Zugriff auf diese Webseite in den entsprechenden Serverlogfiles. In diesen Serverlogfiles werden die minimal nötigen Informationen des Besuches gespeichert. Dazu gehören jedenfalls die genaue URL der besuchten Webseite, Datum und Uhrzeit des Besuches, die übertragene Datenmenge, der Browsertyp inkl. Version, das verwendete Betriebssystem, die IP-Adresse sowie der anfragende Provider. Unsere Webseite setzt KEINE Cookies oder andere Mechanismen ein, die aktiv Daten auf dem besuchenden Endgerät hinterlassen, die nicht vom Browser selbst gespeichert werden (Browsercache). Die Protokolldaten werden grundsätzlich nicht ausgewertet, sofern dies nicht zur Fehlereingrenzung notwendig ist bzw. es vom Gesetzgeber vorgeschrieben wird. Im Falle einer rechtswidrigen Nutzung behalten wir uns das Recht vor, die Protokolldaten nachträglich zu prüfen. Personenbezogene Daten, die Rückschlüsse auf die wahre Identität einer bestimmten Person zulassen bzw. diese Person eindeutig identifizieren, wie zum Beispiel Name, Kontaktinformationen, Informationen über Hobbies, Vorlieben und vorher besuchte Webseiten werden beim Besuch unserer Webseite von uns NICHT gespeichert und damit auchh NICHT ausgewertet.
    Diese Webseite verlinkt auf Webseiten anderer Unternehmen - hier ist insbesonders die Firma Google Inc.® (YouTube® ) zu erwähnen. Für die Links und die eingebetteten Inhalte gelten die Datenschutzrichtlinien und AGBs der entsprechenden Unternehmen - diese sind NICHT im Einflussbereich von „alles Eitle by Daniel Schmatz“.
    Diese Webseite verlinkt auf Webseiten der Ö-Ticket - auf diesen verlinkten Seiten gelten die ABGs und die Datenschutzbestimmungen der jeweiligen Betreiber diese sind NICHT im Einflussbereich von „alles Eitle by Daniel Schmatz“..
Bild Datensammeln
  1. „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“ bzw. „alles Eitle by Daniel Schmatz“ erhebt keinerlei personenbezogene Daten, mit Ausnahme jener, die von Besuchern freiwillig zum Zweck einer Kontaktaufnahme angegeben werden bzw. die uns auf andere Weise von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Dies betrifft vor allem den Emailverkehr mit Emailadressen in der Domäne sowie persönlich, schriftlich oder auf sonstige Art übermittelte Daten. Alle aktiv übermittelten Daten werden vollständig und dauerhaft gespeichert (dies betrifft nicht die oben genannten Daten zur Covid-19 Situation). Diese Daten werden unter keinen Umständen an Dritte weitergegeben, sofern keine ausdrückliche Erlaubnis deinerseits dazu vorliegt.
Bild Stop
  1. Wir verwenden ausschließlich Grafiken, die wir selbst erstellt haben, sowie Bilder, die von der lizenzfreien Plattform zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Ebenso setzen wir Markenlogos bzw. Werbeelemente der Hersteller unserer Ausstellungsgegenstände ein - diese sind rechtliches Eigentum des jeweiligen Unternehmens.
    LEGO® ist ein eingetragener Markenname der LEGO Group, WILLIAMS® und BALLY® sind eingetragene Markenname der Sientific Games Inc. - keine dieser Firmen hat mit dieser Webseite etwas zu tun, es besteht auch keine Geschäftsbeziehung ziwschen „alles Eitle by Daniel Schmatz“ und diesen Unternehmen. Wir zeigen lediglich Produkte dieser Firmen im „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“ und ggf. Bilder des Museums auf dieser Webseite.
Bild Rollstuhl
  1. Wir sind bemüht, Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität, den Zutritt zum „eitle Kinderkram Neulengbach“ möglichst unkompliziert zu ermöglichen. Der Museumsstandort ist jedoch ein altes Gebäude in Hanglage, deshalb ist mit Einschränkungen zu rechnen. Wir haben einen ebenerdigen Zugang vom öffentlichen Gut für beide Ausstellungsebenen und möchten dich möglichst gut beim Besuch unterstützen. Einzelne Museumsbereiche sind nur über eine einzelne Stufe zu erreichen, wobei wir bemüht sind, Rampen zur Verfügung zu stellen, wo dies möglich ist. Die Wege sind teilweise eng und die Ausstellungsgegenstände sind teilweise auf Augenhöhe stehender Personen. Wir empfehlen, speziell bei Gehbehinderungen, vorab telefonisch Kontakt mit uns aufzunehmen, um Missverständnisse vorweg vermeiden zu können.
grafischer Abschluss
Zugriffe seit 18.03.2021: 00009245

Zur vorigen Version dieser Webseite (Version 2024).

Note: LEGO® is a registerd brandname of LEGO Group, WILLIAMS® and BALLY® are registerd brandnames of Sientific Games Inc. - these companies have nothing to do with this website, there is also no buissines connection between alles Eitle and theese companies. und diesen Unternehmen. We only display products of these companies in our museum.